Getting to Know Aldo

On the first day of Multimedia Journalism Professor Chiecchi tasked the class with interviewing the person sitting next to us and then writing a short biography based on what we collected. For a mere five minutes, I had the pleasure of getting to know Aldo Garcia. We both shared a few similarities being as we are in the same program, but what I enjoyed most what learning about Aldo’s individualism that makes him as Professor Chiecchi would say “newsworthy.” Here is what I was able to gather:

Native Minnesotan, Aldo Garcia, traded in his wool coat for a life jacket when he made the decision to enroll at Texas State University, where river tubing in between Algebra and British Literature is a rite of passage. When he’s not frequenting Sewell Park, you can expect him to be at the gym or reading Anime. Following his graduation in 2023, a landmark tech-hub such as Apple or Google is the end goal for Garcia as he embarks on his journey into the ever-changing, dynamic world of Digital Media Innovation. His grandmother has been the catalyst that drives his ambition, as she raised him with high hopes and an assiduous work ethic.

Published by Emily Tindol

Texas State University // Public Relations Major “And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” ― Sylvia Plath

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