5 Tips for Writing on Instagram

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but a caption is worth your follower engagement.

For a platform that focuses on imagery, why should users actually care about the words underneath? Instagram provides you with 2,200 characters worth of writing per post, but how you use that space is more crucial than you might think. Here are 5 writing tips to improve your engagement on Instagram:

1. Match the tone of the photo/video

Just as the officiant doesn’t crack jokes at a funeral, users should consider the tone of the photo/video when choosing what to write. Bright and colorful images such as celebrations, promotions and positive persuasion should pair with a light-hearted caption. On the other hand, serious or solemn posts such as memorials and tragedies should couple with a caption that shows considerable thought and reflection. The page, Humans of New York, does an excellent job of this by using quotes from the subject of the post.

2. Employ relevant hashtags

Hashtags make it easier for a users primary audience to find your content, which will translate into higher user participation. Studies show that hashtags average 12.6% more engagement than posts that don’t. 5-10 hashtags are the recommended amount per post.

3. Define your audience

Narrowing down your audience is essential. If you try to create content for everyone, it will most likely come off as too ambitious and indecisive. Research the demographics of Instagram, and determine who you are trying to reach.

4. Know your audience

If a user gears their content towards men in their 20’s, it’s safe to say that writing about feminine products isn’t the best idea. Niche audiences are looking for new and refreshing content within that subject. In order to build an outside perception, put yourself in the follower’s shoes and ask what you would want to read/see.

5. Length Matters

Instagram relies heavily on visuals for engagement, but a lengthy caption can impair a perfectly-captured image. 100-125 character is the recommended length for a caption. However, circumstances differ depending on the tone and information.

Published by Emily Tindol

Texas State University // Public Relations Major “And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” ― Sylvia Plath

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