Water Fountains on Campus in 2021

I chose a topic that was relevant to students everywhere and one that I haven’t heard much talk about. However, that is not to say it isn’t important. Drinking fountains are a necessity (especially when your campus is on a hill), and while Texas State University has compiled with many CDC recommendations, the drinking fountainContinue reading “Water Fountains on Campus in 2021”

Capturing and Captioning

Smartphones are capable of taking pictures seen round the world. In the event of something newsworthy happening right infant of you, in an instant you can deem yourself a citizen photojournalist with the click of a button. However, it’s important to follow a few rules that can greatly improve the quality of your photos. HereContinue reading “Capturing and Captioning”

Tips, Tricks and Clicks from Live-Tweeting in the Classroom

My classmates and I had a thoughtful discussion on practical uses of social media for journalists. However, during the course of the lecture, we were all live tweeting our thoughts, tips and ideas on the conversation. As they say, you are the medium of the 5 people you surround yourself with the most. Follow thoseContinue reading “Tips, Tricks and Clicks from Live-Tweeting in the Classroom”

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